I already have a cleaner and a floor finish why should I use Let It Glow Floor Cleaner & Restorer and Let It Glow Floor Finish?
Using Let it glow floor cleaner, restorer and finish you are eliminating stripping. So saving up to 60% on labor and 70% on materials. By following our system.
Do I need to strip my floor first before using Let It Glow Floor Cleaner & Restorer or Let It Glow Floor Finish?

No, Let it Glow cleaner and restorer removes the dirt from the finish and will not remove the floor finish. So the need to strip your floor is eliminated.

How much do I measure the let it glow floor cleaner & restorer for my automatic scrubber for daily cleaning?

Very simple. Measure one ounce of Let it glow floor cleaner and restorer to one gallon of cold water. For example, if I put 10 gallons of cold water in my scrubber I would add 10 oz of let it glow floor cleaner and restorer to my scrubber.

How much do I measure the let it glow floor cleaner & restorer for my mop bucket for daily cleaning?

Use only one ounce of let it glow floor cleaner and restorer per 1 one gallon of cold water. For example, if you use 2 oz of let it glow floor cleaner and restorer you would use 2 gallons of cold water.

After my initial application of let it glow floor cleaner & restorer how many coats of let it glow floor finish should I apply?

You will only need one coat of let it glow floor finish after the cleaning process. You’re removing the dirt from the finish that is why you only need one coat. The previous finish will still be on the floor.

How far will a gallon of let it glow floor finish cover? (this is where you can speak of diluting the finish?
A gallon of Let it Glow Floor Finish will cover up to 2,400 square feet when using a microfiber flat mop.
How often should I use let it glow floor cleaner & restorer?
The recommended use of Let It Glow Floor Cleaner & Restorer would be to use daily. To maintain a clean shiny floor throughout the year.
You said I will not strip again using let it glow floor cleaner & restorer and let it glow finish. What do I do if my floors become unmanageable?

This is a simple process. Follow the restoration process. When using 4oz let it glow floor cleaner and restorer per gallon of cold water when you start your restoration you will burnish the floors after scrubbing floors. Then apply one coat of finish. Then mop or scrub the floor nightly with 1 oz. Let it glow floor cleaner and restorer in each gallon of cold water. Then Burnish floors on your regular schedule. This maintains a safe, clean glowing finish.